06 September 2007

Blogging 3.0

the information architecture
imposed by blogging-apps
(like blogger.com)

makes the way-too-pejorative assumption
that yesterday's posts
aren't worth revisiting
or revising

(except in those very rare cases
of newcomers rereading the full archives
from the start)

presenting every visitor
with just the latest full posts

(with, at most
an archive-by-date link
and maybe a tag cloud)

whereas a typical
content management system
rightly takes for granted
that every page will be
indexed from topicpages
and kept regularly up-to-date

even 'blogging' each revision
in an abbreviated changelog

while bookmark management systems
like del.icio.us
do their whole nother thing

mincing any authorial voice
into an unmodulated puree

i'd like to see these functions

every page-change, and
every new bookmark
explicitly weighed
for inclusion in the main, public

maybe rated by the author
so subscribers can filter
all but the (author-rated) best

major sitechanges
and wholly-new pages
possibly included entire

(or even
with additional optional
context-setting text
for authorial modulation)

uniformly mixing in a primary 'feed'
with site/change/logging

and automatically suggesting
that any 'important' new post
tagged with some given topic
should be linked from the appropriate

and maybe
queuing bookmarks, so tagged,
to be eventually integrated as well
into topic-overview pages

(with that pending-queue
even possibly visible to visitors
on the appropriate page)
